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Astrological ArticlesArticles by Bob HoffmanAs I write new articles they will be posted here and then eventually archive them so you can refer back to them at any time. I will also create a section of archived Sacred Pathways Magazine articles so you can see what the energy was like since late 1999 up to the present. The 20-Year Jupiter/Saturn Cycle 2000-2020What This Cycle MeansIn May 2000, there was a powerful planetary alignment in the Sign of Taurus (financial markets and institutions, and the global economy). As part of the alignment there was a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction that happens only once every 20 years. Historically, in America this has always correlated with major changes in national leadership, economic health, long-term stock cycles, civil rights, presidential deaths, long-term national treaties, educational advancements, and other social and political issues. During this conjunction there was also a Square (stress) from Uranus (unpredictability) to both Jupiter and Saturn indicating that there could be the beginning of erratic market fluctuations and a changing economic situation. In Astrology, Jupiter and Saturn are the "social" planets, hence corresponding to socio-political matters. The time it takes each of them to make one revolution around the Sun, and therefore through the Zodiac (called "transit time"), make them the planets most associated with chronological time. The outcomes can be "seen" quite easily when you have the patience to follow the 12-year Jupiter cycle and the 29-year Saturn cycle. Learning by observing these long transit times are one of the reasons why it takes Astrologers a long time to "season." To see trends, it take years of study. Since both planets are in the Sign of Taurus, it is likely that there will be significant redirection involving the monetary and financial systems. The first 3 phases, which will last about 5 years, is the time to work on basic ideas, finances, and plans so you can move through the other 9 phases in harmony with the natural flow of energy, rather than bucking it like we so often do. Today, our thinking brain (Mercury) is what usually guides most of our actions. We exaggerate the intellect to such a degree that we’ve all but lost sight of our intuition, emotions, and spirit. All of our “lost” facilities must be used along with the intellect in order to make choices that are "whole" and therefore, sound. It is my belief that if we used our intellect, emotions, intuition, and spirit together when looking at everything we face, we would not have such a crazy world. It would still be an arduous life, but we would live with beauty, grace, and peace (strip-malls would never have been invented). Phase 1 – May 2000From April-May 2000 Edition of Sacred Pathways MagazineThe year 2000 was an election year, and I would say that whosoever wins the election (note - we now know it was George Bush) will be a major player in the restructuring of our economy and political system at least in the beginning of the 20-year cycle. This was true in the last cycle when Ronald Reagan was inaugurated a few days after the last cycle began, as well as when John F. Kennedy as inaugurated a few weeks after the cycle that began in 1961. However, this time the cycle will be more about resources (Taurus) and technology (Aquarius) rather than relationships (Libra) like on December 31, 1980 which was when the last cycle began. In this cycle are beginning to see that we cannot squander the earth's resources without paying an unthinkable price. Contrary to what people may think, major corporations actually know this––they are preparing to introduce highly efficient technologies that they have been sitting on for decades—solar energy, electric cars, and major computer technologies that will make Microsoft products seem like toys. They have been holding back these technologies because they hadn't figured out a way to make us pay for them and guarantee there own survival at the same time (like, who owns the Sun?). So, at the same time we will be getting heavier into technology, and also into cleaner, more efficient technologies. There is another trend I have been seeing for a while on a more social level. As the baby-boomers are getting older (and there are so many of us), they are getting fed up with the confusing, break-neck speed of life, with its concurrent clutter and anxiety. I can relate to this myself. Personally, my life is getting more complicated all the time. Like many, I am yearning for the relative tranquility of a simpler life. I have been hearing this from so many people, both older and younger as well. It is true that in the last few hundred years, life has been changing greatly, but at this point we are experiencing an unprecedented amount of change. The rate of change since the invention of the printing press has been increasing at a faster clip the closer you get to the present. If you want to get a clear picture of this phenomenon, I suggest you read Future Shock by Alvin Toffler, written in the early 70's. He was aiming his predictions on the time period we are living in right now. What he describes, you will see in abundance today. I used to give lectures and seminars on this subject in the mid-70's. It is astounding to see the reality today, and what it means for our future from this point on. He has written a book since, called The third Wave that indicates the particular point we are at now approaching where technology is exploding and what it means for us (important––read Future Shock first). The increasingly complicated life of all-out over-consumption that took off in the 80's, will be switching over to a more personal, manageable life for all those who are interested in living that way. The first few years of this Jupiter/Saturn alignment will give you a chance to make the necessary personal changes (Uranus) that you need to manage your business and finances (Taurus). If you want a slower pace of life, you will have to persist (Taurus) at making it that way. You can create a simpler home-based business. Right now you can now work at anything, anywhere, simply because of technology. I suggest that you also find some land or a home (Taurus), and build or remodel it according to your needs, not the needs of future buyers! If you are looking to increase the speed of your life––well, there's no problem. Just throw yourself into anything you want. The point of all this is that however you want to live, you can; from sustainable homestead, to techno-babble, mega-monstrosity, and everything in between––the choice is yours––choose it in the next several years because it is likely that you will be living with it 20 years from now (when the rules will change again). From June-July 2000 EditionIf you read the previous article in the April/May 2000 issue, you will remember that I talked about the 20-year socio-political cycle of Jupiter and Saturn. I mentioned that there would likely be a redirection of the global economy and stock market. If you have been following the news you will see that the market recently took huge hits. The analysts say that the high ride is over––you now have to pay a lot of attention to what is going on or you will loose your shirt (literally). Interest rates are starting to climb as well. These are the kind of things that is going to become commonplace over the next few years. It will be smart to take stock of your financial situation. This doesn't spell doom for people (I'm not a doomsayer––I have some faith in humanity to adjust). It just means that you will have to learn to stabilize your finances (Taurus) in order to meet your future goals (Aquarius). This is a very volatile time. Everything is in such flux that anything can happen. It was always that way, but it is more-so now. Phase 2 – October 2001 (Fully Active by June 2002 - 8 Month Transition Period)From August/September 2001 EditionI have marked this moon cycle as the point of transition into the 2nd of 12 phases of the 20-year Jupiter/Saturn cycle that is so important on a practical, tangible level (therefore regarding most of the life we live in this dense dimension). The 1st phase relates to the "idea" of what direction a person or business wants to go. It's about the impulse to change, and in what ways. The 2nd phase regards the gathering of resources to create and live your dream. Even though we are always concerned with resources, right now it is most important to increase the time spent "gathering" on all levels––gathering information, money, stuff, social and business contacts, and anything else of a tangible nature that you need on your 20-year journey. You don't have to have everything now, just know how and where to get it. This will be a more practical time––the time of impulse is coming to an end. Getting organized and being persistent will pay off over the next several years. From October/November 2001 EditionIn the last article I said that I thought we were entering the second-stage of the 20-year Jupiter/Saturn cycle (visible cultural, religious, political, and social changes). Well, for sure that stage has begun. The second-stage is about resources––being able to handle oneself in the tangible, practical world. It is about finances, being practical, needing a strong sense of security, being determined, patient, reliable, and enduring, and developing a strong business sense. It is also about changing ones self-image, personally and collectively, to fit reality. The Jupiter/Saturn cycle is a very powerful one, and relatively easy to see results. Go back in your mind to the years 1940, 1960, 1980, in order to get a general idea of how our personal and collective mind-sets changed during those times. This new cycle began in May of 2000 (see previous articles). Phase 3 – November 2003 (Fully Active by August 2004 – 9 Month Transition Period)From February/March 2004 EditionIn previous articles beginning in early 2000, I have mentioned the significance of the 20-year Jupiter/Saturn cycle. We are in the midst of the change into the 3rd phase of that cycle. It begins between November 2003 and August 2004 (because of retrograde motion). The cycle will end in late 2005 to late 2006 (again, retrograde motion). This is the time for us to focus on several important points. It is time to put together the "plan" of how we intend to live during this 20-year cycle. In Phase 1, we acquired the inspiration and initiated action on the idea of how we want to live. In Phase 2, we worked on how we can acquire the resources and other financial means to make our goals a reality. Since we are really at the end of the 2nd phase and the beginning of the 3rd until August, we are getting a chance to work on and solidify our financial concerns about the future. This phase can involve building detailed plans for our careers, homes, and/or anything else having to do with our long-term goals (or at least until the 12 phases are completed in 2020). This isn't about planning you next vacation; it's much bigger and all-encompassing than that! This phase will take the first two phases, and bring all the loose ends into a coherent and do-able plan. It is important to remain flexible during these next few years. Rigid adherence to a particular direction can be disastrous. In 2003, I'm sure many of you have seen how much patience and persistence you needed. Now you can add "flexibility" to your growing repertoire. This third phase is the "Gemini" part of a cycle. All cycles, both large and small, have the same basic pattern. You cannot skip over any part no matter how much you want to. If you try, the end results will certainly show it. The great thing about these long cycles like the Jupiter/Saturn cycle is that you get plenty of opportunity to resolve any issues that come up along the way. For example, if you were planning to build a house, you will have the time to work out all the zillions of details necessary to do that. It would be the same if you were planning to start your own business. Of course I don't mean you have to wait 20 years to start it, just have the time needed to do it right. If you have been following this cycle with me since I started writing about it in the Apr/May 2000 copy of Sacred Pathways, think back on the "Aries" and "Taurus" phases of the cycle. Basically, these first 3 phases are the most critical in your overall success regarding the endeavor you are undertaking. It is similar to the effect that the first few years of your early childhood has on your personal development. Everything that happens later is built on top of these early stages. In the end, we may forget about the early stages of a cycle, but a good result depends upon them. Phase 4 – December 2005 (Fully Active by October 2006 – 10 Month Transition Period)The 4th phase of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle marks a new beginning where the collective energy of the first 3 phases coalesces. There is no longer just an idea that has substance and mental reality, but now has an emotional content. We can feel the truth embodied in our new direction. An emotional conviction is born. The new way of living implemented 5 years ago is alive and well within us. On the physical plane, the 4th phase relates to actual “space”. It is the physical “where”, that we wanted to initiate from the beginning of the cycle. It is now time to solidify the location of our new home, business, goal, or lifestyle. If you have consciously been following this 20-year cycle, you are probably ready to “break ground” so to speak. I can tell you that in my own personal life the “where” is real to me now, as well as the “what” and “how”. I know and feel like my goals set in Phase 1 are taking form in reality. Although each stage is important, this 4th one is the foundation that all that follows will be built upon. Using the analogy of building a house to describe the initial phases works very well. Phase 1 is the realization that one wants to build a new house and the basic parameters of what is wanted in the house are set—the idea is formed. Phase 2 is getting the “pre-approval” from the lending institution to see how much you have to spend and whether you can make enough money to pay the bank—the resources are gathered. Phase 3 is drawing up the plans based upon the realities realized from the 1st and 2nd phases—the plan is formed. Phase 4 is securing the actual location, or real estate, and building the foundation of the house—the base is built. You should be able to see about where we are in this process with this analogy. There is a long way to go, but it should be more fun from this point on. The really good thing about the 4th phase is that there can be something real to see pretty soon, not just a bunch of words and plans. Globally, this is such a critical time because we are now establishing foundations in so many areas of life. The realities of life are changing greatly in these first few years of the new century. For example, some of the areas I can think of quickly are; the monetary and banking system, energy resources and alternatives, food production, security, politics, society, to name just a few. If you have only become conscious of this 20-year journey recently, understand that you have most likely subconsciously followed the phases anyway. That’s how things work unless you have been living in a vacuum. Life will only allow us to move from one step to another in relative order. It’s as simple as saying that you can’t put up the roof of the house until the foundation and walls are up. Being actively conscious of the choices from now on will lead to a better outcome. You never have to force anything into a set timeframe—life will help you there. As long as you make choices based upon open eyes and heart, and follow your gut instincts (especially now), you will make better decisions. As always, the choice is yours. The Mustard Seed Natural Living Center | ![]() |