Meet the The Mustard Seed Family!

Salandrea Patrizi
Founder, Master Herbalist,
Nutritional Counselor, Iridologist, Aromatherapist, Formulator,
Product Development
In 1978 Salandrea moved from Nahant, Massachusetts to a quaint, 1800's farmhouse in rural Nottingham, New Hampshire. She embraced the country lifestyle and raised her 2 children, Kimberly and David, as well as many pets and barnyard animals.
In 1983, she renovated her barn and opened The Mustard Seed Workshop offering dried herbs, spices, potpourri, and crafts. The Mustard Seed sprouted and has since become one of the most well known, respected, and unique businesses that has inspired most of the herbal and natural health businesses on the east coast.
Salandrea loves working in her gardens and wildcrafts many of the herbs used in her substantial and creative line of natural body care products. She is an adventurous soul who loves to travel inwardly and outwardly. She lives with her mate Bob, and 4 rambunctious cats.
Bob Hoffman
Astrologer and Card Reader, Webmaster, Business Manager
Bob was born and raised in New York City. After years of searching the country for the right place to live, he discovered the seacoast of New Hampshire and southern Maine. He finally found a real home and has been here ever since.
Bob worked in the computer field for 25 years before starting a photography business in 1990. In 1993, he came to The Mustard Seed as the resident Astrologer, and eventually became Business Manager for the store.
Bob enjoys building anything and everything out of locally and sustainably harvested wood, as well as recycled and driftwood. He particularly loves designing and building furniture. Although his interests keep him busy, he still finds time to create artwork and play guitar.
Christine Cox
Health and Healing Advocate
Christine is a NH native, born & raised in the Lakes Region. She has studied various meditation and breathwork techniques. She is also a Reiki level 2 practitioner and a guided meditation facilitator for groups and individuals.
Christine has been studying Astrology with Bob Hoffman
here at The Mustard Seed for the past 2 years. She is also a Mustard
Seed Angel Volunteer and assists with the Eco-Farm Project's development.
Christine enjoys hiking, camping, and spending time with her husband,
Michael, and their 2 dogs, Bruce and Luna.

Ainslee Farrington
Bowenwork Practitioner
Ainslee Farrington, a summer native of Bow Lake, became a resident of Strafford County in 2005.
The lake and loons drew her back where she discovered Bowenwork and its effective method of accelerating the body's healing response. This "homeopathy of bodywork" extended naturally from her caring of people throughout her career as a chef and teacher.
Clients' testimonials are a constant reminder of the body's innate ability to get to a better place and of Tom Bowen's gift to the world.

Debra Ann Parenteau
Reiki and Shamballa Master
Debra Ann Parenteau is a NH native from Epping, and she is the oldest of 6 children. She has lived in Nottingham for the past 28 years, raising her family and co-owning and operating a family business. Inspired by her mother's guidance and love, Debra Ann began attending Reiki classed at Dover High School in 2006. She continued on to receive her Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki Master, and Shamballa Master certifications. Debra Ann has always been a hugging person and has definitely found her calling with Reiki.
Catnip Quality Control Supervisor
Julio, a native of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, has six years experience in catnip quality control. We at The Mustard Seed are proud to have him working for us. His expertise has been invaluable. Here he is showing Lindsay the finer points of mixing catnip.
Julio loves the outdoors and can be seen hiking all over Eco-Farm in Nottingham. In his spare time he enjoys hunting, sleeping, playing, getting belly-massages, purring, and providing loving support to everyone he meets.
The Mustard Seed Natural Living Center
80 Stage Road, Nottingham, New Hampshire, USA
Copyright Protected 2004-2007 The Mustard Seed Natural Living Center, Inc.