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Astrological Forecasts

Seasonal Forecasts - 3 Months For Each Season

Each season will be archived when the new Seasonal Forecast comes out at the beginning of each new season. The next Forecast will be out by late March 2007.

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Astrological Forecast
January - February - March 2007


Full Moon

The Full Moon occurs on January 3 with the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in its natural Sign of Cancer. Capricorn is cool, and Cancer is warm, reminding us that we are in the dead of winter. There is likely to be frustration about the unpleasant reality of an important relationship or the possibility of losing someone suddenly. This does not necessarily mean a death, but could be that a relationship ends without warning. Unclear results from recent business dealings may result in quick changes of direction, or prompting immediate action. Sensitivity to the misfortunes of others will bring real help to those who need it the most. A Full Moon period illuminates the way to our goal. This one reflects a sense of urgency to bring things to a resolve.

Venus in Aquarius

Later in the day of January 3, Venus, the planet of relationships enters the friendly but remote Sign of Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius is a somewhat difficult placement for Venus since it relates to our interpersonal relationship energies. Aquarius is more idealistic and mental rather than warm and fuzzy which would be more comfortable for Venus. However, the strong communicativeness of Aquarius can actually help people get talking about their issues, even if what is said is based more on idealism than on practicality or emotions.

4th Quarter Moon

The 4th Quarter is the “reality” point of a Moon cycle. On January 11 the Sun will be in the practical Sign of Capricorn (which is the “reality” point of the Zodiac Signs), and the Moon is in the intensely emotional Scorpio. There will be a deeply emotional element running below the surface during this time period. When things get tense, verbal exchanges could get heated, especially when discussing business and career issues. People will tend to be somewhat sensitive, so it is best to tread lightly. Results will be known regarding the actions taken in the last 3 weeks, for better or worse.

Mars Conjunct Pluto

On January 13, Mars, the planet of action makes its bi-annual conjunction (juxtaposition) to Pluto, the planet of transformation. This can bring a new energy to our desires for a higher level of functioning and to the actions taken to achieve that end. It can also bring irrational blowouts by those who are predisposed that way already. When people discuss personal philosophical and religious values, it would be good to avoid bluntness, sarcasm, and dogmatism, or arguments will ensue. Don’t be the instigator, instead take the higher road, and you will immediately start off the next 2-year cycle at a higher level. The potential for violence is there but short-lived, so be aware. It will diminish significantly by the following day.

Mercury in Aquarius

On January 15, Mercury enters Aquarius. This is a fairly good position for Mercury due to the primarily mental energy of Aquarius. Since Mercury relates to our mental facilities, the planetary energies blend well with the Sign energies. However, Mercury works best when it is organized, and Aquarius is not particularly organized or practical. Communication can go very well when discussing ideals, and planning for the future, but not so well when discussing practical matters. All and all, this should help bring a humanitarian element and community mindedness to our thinking.

Mars in Capricorn

Mars enters Capricorn on January 16 until late February. This will help business people, as well as anyone who is engaged in building, particularly while the Sun is still in Capricorn until January 20. Even when the Sun enters Aquarius, Mars will help solidify what we are trying to build on all levels.

New Moon in Capricorn

The New Moon occurs on January 18. I have never seen a time when both the Sun and Moon are not well connected to any other planetary energy. They are connected to Mercury, but Mercury is also not connected to any other energies! The chart of this moment is what I would characterize as “weird”. Pictures run through my head of people cloistering or hiding out at home, afraid to go out. Saturn is all by itself in the night sky, so people will go to work and then run back for cover when the days work is done. By enlarge; there will be a lot of work being done behind the scenes in all areas of life that will not become apparent until a few months have passed.

Sun in Aquarius

The Sun enters the eclectic Sign of Aquarius on January 20. The chart of that moment indicates that the month coming will seem like a “new time, and a new day”. Five Planets in Aquarius in the 1st House (new beginnings) will bring a fresh vision of the future. The true purpose behind our works this past year will become known and will show itself clearly. Moving things to a new level this next month should be easy as long as our intentions are in alignment with our actions. Business issues should move along well also. Home life and relationships, on the other hand, will take a back seat.

1st Quarter Moon

Action is the keyword for the 1st Quarter of the current Moon cycle (which began on January 18). January 25 will be the height of this “get things done” energy. Slow and steady progress will be made now as long as initiative is along practical lines. However, it will be easy to fool ourselves into believing we are making progress when we are actually spinning our wheels. You will know you are on the right path if any gains are actually observable. If not, you will need to make adjustments in your activities to make sure that any results are concrete and visible.

Venus in Pisces

Venus moves into Pisces on January 27. Pisces is a fairly positive position for Venus. Emotions are easily displayed in Pisces, and can add a demonstrative physical element to our interactions. Verbal communication may be a bit more challenging because Pisces energy can be somewhat confusing. There may be an unrealistic coloration to relationship dealings until February 21 when Venus moves out of Pisces.



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Full Moon

The Moon becomes Full on February 2. There is a compulsive or compelling energy active during this time. People will feel that they must express themselves. Verbally, this could translate into a disregard for the feelings of others with a concurrent sensitivity regarding their own feelings. They will take things personally, no matter how gently “criticism” is doled out. I’m going to try not to say anything that can be construed as critical, because everything will be open to misinterpretation.

Mercury in Pisces

On the same day as the Full Moon, Mercury moves into the sensitive and emotional Sign of Pisces. This may bring an increase in the feeling of stress, especially if you are somewhat stressed to begin with. This can make matters worse and possibly overwhelm some people. On the positive side, it may also help people see “the bigger picture” of life, increase psychic awareness and Mediumship, or at least make us more sensitive to the realities of other dimensions.

4th Quarter Moon

On February 10, the “results” of the current Moon cycle (started on January 18) will become evident. Since the Moon is in Scorpio, results will be deeply felt, for better or worse.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury becomes Retrograde (moves backwards) on February 13, giving our mind a much needed vacation. Don’t fight the urge to space out unless you are driving or operating dangerous equipment. In that case, be very careful of losing focus. If you meditate, this could be a good time to increase the amount of time you spend doing so. Relaxation will be essential to counteract our lack of attention while Mercury is Retrograde in Pisces.

New Moon

The New Moon occurs on February 17. This chart shows the type of energy here is pretty much a direct opposite to the previous New Moon of January 18. Now the attention is less personal and more about career and business. However, unlike last month, relationships will get a lot more deserved attention. It will be obvious to most people that the excessive attention to business right now is really for the betterment of the home and family situation. There will be a lot of home building and construction getting underway now.

Sun in Pisces

The Sun enters the final phase of the yearly Zodiac cycle on February 18. This last month before the Spring Equinox will be a highly creative one. Work may seem overwhelming, but as long as you hang onto your visions, a lot of progress can be made. In general, this will be a task-oriented time. Our sights will be mainly focused on the future, but there should be plenty of energy left for having fun too, as long as you take the time to enjoy.

Venus in Aries

Venus moves into the impulsive Sign of Aries on February 21. Venus can get into trouble easily now because of the impetuous nature of Aries, especially regarding relationships. You can counteract the impulse to jump into relationships too quickly by taking a brief moment to reflect upon the probable outcomes of rash and hasty relationship actions.

1st Quarter Moon

The 1st Quarter Moon is in Gemini and will occur on February 24. Our energies will tend to be scattered because of the urge to run in many directions at once. Lack of focus will make it difficult to get things done. The call to action will be loud, but the ability to focus on results will be weak. However, planning is a good thing to do at this time, instead of trying to get a lot accomplished.

Mars in Aquarius

Mars, the Planet of action will move into Aquarius on February 25. This will bring us a resolve to raise standards to new heights. People will feel the inclination to take action for the humanitarian and community causes that they resonate with. Take advantage of this time (until early April) to do good for the less fortunate, which in today’s world is almost everyone!

Saturn Opposed Neptune (Second of Three Oppositions)

On February 28, there will be the second of three exact Oppositions of Saturn (structure, crystallization, effort, contraction) and Neptune (vision, dissolution, compassion, idealism). The first was on August 28, 2006, and the third will be on June 25, 2007. As I said in August, this is a very important Aspect (planetary configuration) and I believe is going to be a turning-point for this past year, if not for the last several years. This Opposition only occurs about every 35 years, the last time being in late June of 1971.

In a nutshell, we are being asked to accept the dissolving of our long-cherished beliefs and images of what we think of as “reality”. It is possible that people will have a hard time telling the difference between reality and illusion. I suspect that those who are already “living in a dream world” will either wake up (Aquarius) or get hopelessly lost in their illusionary world (Neptune), never to waken, because now their illusions seem to be somehow more “real”. Those who do not believe in any other world-view other than the material physical reality, may either become more sensitive to other realities, or become frightened by the physical appearance of “invisible” energies and possibly think they are going crazy. For psychics and mediums, this should be a time where it will get easier to hear messages from the departed and/or receive clear guidance from their personal guides. For image-makers such as advertisers, media, and public relation machines, there are going to be technical breakthroughs that will dramatically increase their ability to make images appear to be real, blurring the already foggy landscape even more.



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Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon)

A lunar Eclipse occurs on March 3. This is the last Full Moon of the astrological year. The chart of this moment has some interesting dynamics to it. It is emotionally charged with an all out drive to finish what we have started this past year. It won’t be an easy time, because so much will have to be taken on faith rather than by seeing clear cut results. Tempers will be easily aroused and people will take things personally. Changes will occur internally and not be displayed outwardly yet. A lot of troubled and anxious work will be going on, no matter how calm things look on the surface.

Mercury Direct

Mercury moves direct on March 7 after about three weeks of mental vacation. Mercury was in Pisces when it went Retrograde on February 13, but it is now back in Aquarius again. As we mentally move forward again our creative ideas will rapidly flow. Idealistic and forward thinking plans will be easy to take seriously, even if they are not actually realistic. People will temporarily come out of their mental fog and once again engage in crackling conversations and sparkling wit.

4th Quarter Moon

The current Moon cycle will reach the “results” stage on March 11 with the Moon in the inspirational Sagittarius. We will be moving the clocks forward today as well. It will be nice to have Daylight Savings Time begin several weeks earlier this year! Since this is the last Moon cycle of the year, and the last Quarter of that cycle, the results of the entire year’s efforts will be reveled for better or worse.

Venus in Taurus

Venus moves into the practical Sign of Taurus on March 17. This is a great position for Venus because it is the “Ruling Planet” of Taurus (as well as for Libra). The Ruling Planet of a Sign is the planetary energy that most exemplifies the essence of that Sign. Taurus and Libra are both socially-oriented Signs with similar energies to Venus. You can expect more enjoyable and easier relationship interactions during this time (until April 11).

Mercury in Pisces

Mercury, now Direct, re-enters the Sign of Pisces on March 18 (as it did on February 2). As I said then, Mercury in Pisces can be stressful, but can also bring clarity and vision to our thinking process.

Solar Eclipse (New Moon)

The end of the Solar Year at the Spring Equinox is only 2 days away as this Eclipse begins at 10:43 PM EDT. This chart looks like an upside down umbrella, with 9 of 10 Planets deeply hidden below the Earth with Saturn opposite right up top. Behind the scenes activity will be heavy as businesses retool for the new conglomerate world being forged. No matter what you are being told about how vital small business is to the economy, the fact is that they are being phased out through mega-competition. Right now people will be very private and secretive about what they are doing to deal with their careers and businesses. The culture as a whole is undergoing a radical transformation as last years creative ideas are being implemented.

Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox (Vernal Equinox – Sign of Aries) begins the new astrological year at 8:08 PM EDT on March 20, 2007. The creative energy a few days ago at the Solar Eclipse will still be evident with the addition of a Grand Trine in the Element of Fire. A Grand Trine is a whirlwind of energy relating to the Element it is in. The Fire Element is the inspirational and high-action energy related to Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

The birth of the year has the Sun in the organized 6th House (of Virgo) which signifies that people will be urged to get their acts together. We need to learn to take care of ourselves, put our house and workplaces in order, and increase our skill levels in order to prepare for the future. If you think things have changed since the Millennium, wait until you see how things change in the next five years! I guarantee it will be massive.

This next year also promises to be one where relationships will become even more important. How you connect to the rest of the world at large will dictate how well you will do this coming year. How creative we can be in the face of adversity or pressure will make the difference between moving forward or stopping dead in our tracks.

Business and politics will be a major focus with smaller companies fighting for their lives and the political and entertainment landscapes perpetuating the cults of personalities that make them thrive. Mass Media will become even more of a dominant factor driving the cultural shifting. The trick will be to keep connected using technology, but not become ruled by it. An old astrological adage says, “…a wise person rules the stars, and a fool is ruled by them”. It is the same with media. Don’t be ruled by it, just use it wisely. In the next 5 years and beyond it will be critical to get a handle on how far you will allow technology to control you, and how dependent you will allow yourself to get.

What seems to be lacking in this upcoming year (or at lest till the Summer Solstice) is a clear financial picture. Much of the current work will be done to increase the odds of having a successful financial future, but short-term results will still be nebulous and efforts will lack focus. The squeaky wheel (getting the grease) will be aimed primarily on community and career-building.

Mars Conjunct Neptune

Mars in Neptune occurs about once every 2 years. This time it is on March 25 in the Sign of Aquarius. Visions of ideal situations, particularly regarding business will be easy to ponder. You can see far into any goals or aspirations you are working on. What will be difficult will be distinguishing visions from illusions. It will be very important right now to remain as practical as possible in order to make visions a reality.

1st Quarter Moon

Also on March 25, the action-oriented 1st Quarter Moon in Cancer will occur. What direction the action will take will become apparent. Adjustments will need to be made in light of any new evidence that presents itself.

Pluto Retrograde

Pluto goes Retrograde on March 31 until September 7. I actually look forward to the yearly retrograde movement of Pluto because I always seem to want a rest from the formidable and forceful transformative process that accompanies Pluto’s slow dance through the Signs. Pluto takes over 250 years to move through the Signs. This means that it takes about 21 years through each Sign. However, in recent decades, Pluto has been moving through a Sign about every 14 years, hastening the transformations. Life seems to move too fast for most of us to handle effectively. So, for now I am happy for the break!

Look for “Spring to Summer 2007: April-May-June 2007”
here by late March

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